One Carry-on Bag No More Than 45 Linear Inches

one carry-on bag no more than 45 linear inches

Traveling with just one carry-on bag can seem daunting, but it can also be incredibly beneficial. Not only is it more convenient to not have to lug around multiple bags, but it can also save you money and reduce the risk of lost or delayed luggage. However, it’s important to ensure that your carry-on bag is within the size restrictions set by the airline. The standard measurement for carry-on bags is linear inches, and most airlines have a maximum limit of 45 linear inches. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of traveling with one carry-on bag, the size restrictions for carry-on bags, tips for packing within those restrictions, and alternative carry-on options. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or new to the game, this guide will help you make the most of your carry-on bag.

Why a single carry-on bag is beneficial


Traveling with just one carry-on bag means you won’t have to juggle multiple bags through airport security, on the plane, and at baggage claim. It also makes it easier to navigate through busy airports and public transportation.

Cost savings: 

Many airlines charge for checked bags, so by bringing only a carry-on, you can save money on baggage fees. Additionally, you’ll save money on baggage storage or shipping fees if you’re traveling to multiple destinations.

Avoidance of lost or delayed luggage

One of the most frustrating parts of air travel is when your luggage doesn’t arrive at your destination on time. By traveling with only a carry-on bag, you can reduce the risk of lost or delayed luggage and have peace of mind knowing that your belongings are with you at all times.

Size restrictions for carry-on bags

Linear inches as the measurement standard

 Most airlines use linear inches as the standard measurement for carry-on bags. Linear inches are determined by adding together the length, width, and height of the bag.

Maximum size of 45 linear inches: 

The maximum size for carry-on bags is typically 45 linear inches, although some airlines may have slightly different restrictions. It’s important to check the specific size restrictions for the airline you’re traveling with before packing your bag.

How to measure your bag’s linear inches: 

To measure the linear inches of your bag, first measure the length, width, and height of the bag in inches. Then add those three measurements together to get the total linear inches. For example, if your bag is 22 inches long, 14 inches wide, and 9 inches high, the total linear inches would be 45 inches.

Tips for packing a carry-on bag within the size restrictions

Rolling clothes instead of folding

Rolling your clothes instead of folding them can help save space in your bag and reduce wrinkles.

Utilizing compression bags: 

Compression bags can help reduce the volume of your clothes, allowing you to fit more into your carry-on bag.

Planning and organizing your packing list: 

Planning ahead and making a packing list can help you prioritize what you need to bring and ensure that you don’t overpack.

Prioritizing essential items

When packing, focus on bringing only the essentials and leave behind any items that you can live without. This can include leaving behind bulky items such as extra shoes or heavy coats.

Alternative carry-on options

Personal item allowance

Many airlines allow passengers to bring a small personal item in addition to their carry-on bag. This can include items such as a purse, laptop bag, or small backpack.

Wearing bulky items:

 Wearing bulky items such as a coat or heavy shoes can help save space in your carry-on bag.

Checked bag fee waivers

Some airlines offer checked bag fee waivers for certain passengers, such as frequent flyers or passengers traveling on certain fare classes. It’s worth checking with the airline to see if you qualify for a waiver.


Traveling with just one carry-on bag can offer a variety of benefits, including convenience, cost savings, and reduced risk of lost or delayed luggage. Having one bag to manage makes it much easier to navigate through airports, public transportation, and other parts of your trip. Additionally, many airlines charge for checked bags, so by bringing only a carry-on, you can save money on baggage fees. Furthermore, if you’re traveling to multiple destinations, you’ll save money on baggage storage or shipping fees. Finally, by having all your belongings with you, you’ll reduce the risk of lost or delayed luggage and have peace of mind knowing that your essentials are with you at all times.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can make the most of your carry-on bag, making your travel experience more convenient and less stressful. Traveling with just one carry-on bag can seem daunting, but by understanding the benefits and utilizing the tips and alternative options provided in this guide, you’ll be able to pack and travel more efficiently. With these guidelines, you’ll be able to make the most of your travel experience and enjoy your trip with peace of mind.